<p>It's one o'clock in the morning when Lt, Joe Novelli gets the call. A homicide that involves his wife's high school friend Carol and her husband Todd Sieck. He finds Todd dead on the living room floor, naked.. Having just moved to Springfield six months ago, how could the car salesman had made someone mad enough to kill him. Or was he involved in a steamy affair that went terribly wrong? According to everyone Joe interviews, Todd was a great guy. Everyone liked him. Well someone didn't like him. Because someone put three bullets in him. Looking at crime scene photos and going back over the scene of the crime one thing strikes Joe in particular. Cat tracks. The family cat had tracked blood everywhere. But there's two plates sitting on the kitchen table. One of them has bloody cat tracks on it and the other one doesn't. It's a clue that will lead to a killer.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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